Sunday, January 16, 2005

Aren't you just sick of seeing my face? I'm sorry, but hey! Here's more!

Ok, here's official proof I am in love with myself. No wonder no guys love me; they are all jealous of me - as in the me that I love, not the me who loves me.

While waiting for Eileen Wee to get ready, I was bored at home and started to snap shots of myself (the one on top included). And then I was internet-less the night before, and I spent a few hours editing them.

I love the results! Look somewhat retro.

Have a look! They are logged in my Multiply page's album, here.

Also, do add me as a contact! Don't think there is a cap for it right? My main Multiply site is here, check it out! And I think you guys have not seen the "celebrity" photos too. The relationship, if you add me, ought to be "Online buddy" ok?

Can leave comments here or there, up to you. =)



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